See: Description
Class | Description |
AssociationBox |
Association Box.
BinaryFilterBox |
Binary Filter box (JPX).
BoxHeader |
Encapsulation of a JPEG 2000 box header.
BoxHolder |
A BoxHolder is a container for JPEG 2000 boxes.
Bits Per Component box.
CaptureResolutionBox |
Capture Resolution Box.
ChannelDefBox |
Channel Definition Box.
COCMarkerSegment |
Class for the COC (Coding style component) marker segment.
Codestream |
The information on a codestream, extracted from a Contiguous Codestream
or Fragment Table, and the corresponding Codestream Header if any.
CodestreamHeaderBox |
Codestream Header box.
CodestreamRegBox |
Codestream Registration Box.
CODMarkerSegment |
Class for the COD (coding style default) marker segment.
ColorGroupBox |
Color Group Box.
ColorSpecBox |
Color specification box.
CommentMarkerSegment |
Class for the COM (Comment) marker segment.
ComponentMapBox |
Component Mapping Box.
CompOptionsBox |
Composition options box (JPX).
CompositionBox |
Composition Box (JPX).
ComposLayerHdrBox |
Compositing Layer Header Box (JPX superbox).
ContCodestream |
Encapsulation of a JPEG 2000 codestream.
ContCodestreamBox |
Continuous codestream box.
CRGMarkerSegment |
Class for the CRG (component registration)
marker segment.
CrossRefBox |
Cross Reference Box (JPX).
DataEntryURLBox |
Data Entry URL Box.
DDResolutionBox |
Default Display Resolution Box.
DefaultBox |
Default class for Boxes that have not yet been implemented.
DefaultMarkerSegment |
This class is used to handle any unrecognized or unimplemented
marker segment in a codestream.
DesiredReproBox |
Desired Reproductions Box (JPX).
DigSignatureBox |
Digital Signature Box (JPX).
FileTypeBox |
File Type Box.
FragmentInputStream |
A FragmentInputStream provides an interface by which
the scattered fragments of a Fragment List Box can
be read as a single stream.
FragmentListBox |
Fragment List Box (JPX).
FragmentTableBox |
Fragment Table Box (JPX).
Graphics Technology Standard Output Box.
ImageHeaderBox |
Image Header Box.
InstructionSetBox |
Instruction Set Box (JPX).
IPRBox |
Intellectual Property Rights box.
JP2Box |
Superclass for JPEG 2000 boxes.
JP2HeaderBox |
JP2 Header Box.
JP2Strings |
String constants for JPEG 2000 module.
LabelBox |
Label box.
MainOrTile |
Abstract superclass for Codestream and Tile classes.
Marker |
This is a subclass of MarkerSegment for Markers.
MarkerSegment |
Abstract superclass for marker segments.
NumberListBox |
Number list box.
OpacityBox |
Opacity Box (JPX).
PaletteBox |
Palette box.
PLMMarkerSegment |
Class for the PLM Marker segment.
PLTMarkerSegment |
Class for the PLT Marker segment.
POCMarkerSegment |
Class for the POC (Progression order change) marker segment.
PPMMarkerSegment |
Class for the PPM (Packed packet headers, main header)
marker segment.
PPTMarkerSegment |
Class for the PPT (Packed packet headers, tile-part header)
marker segment.
QCCMarkerSegment |
Class for the QCC (Quantization component) marker segment.
QCDMarkerSegment |
Class for the QCD (Quantization default) marker segment.
ReaderRequirementsBox |
Reader requirements box (JPX).
ResolutionBox |
Resolution box.
RGNMarkerSegment |
Class for the RGN (region of interest) marker segment.
ROIBox |
ROI Description box (JPX).
SIZMarkerSegment |
Class for the SIZ marker segment.
SOTMarkerSegment |
Class for the SOT (start of tile-part) marker segment.
Tile |
Encapsulation of a JPEG 2000 tile in a codestream.
TilePart |
Encapsulation of a tile-part in a JPEG 2000 codestream.
TLMMarkerSegment |
Class for the TLM (tile length) marker segment.
TopLevelBoxHolder |
A subclass of BoxHolder specifically for getting top-level
boxes in a JPEG 2000 file.
UUIDInfoBox |
UUID info box.
UUIDListBox |
XMLBox |
XML Box.
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